
Thanks to the excellent, long-term and international cooperation between breeders, owners, veterinarians and the team of the Genetics Expertise Center of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht, we can report that Fit2breed is ready for use for the Dutch Kooikerhondje. The arrival of Fit2breed is the result of a unique project from the Genetics Expertise Center in which collaboration between international associations, breeders and owners to collect health data and process it together with the VHNK was paramount. Partly thanks to the fantastic support from donors including Farmfood and the Meijerboekbinderfonds, Fit2breed could be developed for and with the VHNK.


With the Fit2Breed software it is possible to analyze all important data of Kooikerhondjes such as disease data, results of screening tests, risk estimates, breeding value estimates, results of DNA tests and SNP data for genetic variety and thus arrive at scientifically substantiated breeding advice. Fit2breed offers the opportunity to actively use and deploy all collected data in order to contribute to the preservation of the genetic diversity of the Kooikerhondje in a substantiated manner.


The breeder can enter a bitch in the module. You will then see a list of all potentially suitable males, based on genetic profile and health information, sorted by relationship to the bitch. As a breeder, it is also possible to specify a desired combination of a male and a female, whereby risk aspects of the combination, the influence of the combination on the entire breed and any (un)suitability are shown.

Collecting of data

In order for the system to function as well as possible, it is very important that as much data as possible is entered into the system, also in the future. Thanks to years of accurate documentation in Clubregister and Zooeasy, the VHNK has an extensive dataset as a basis for the data in Fit2breed. This is also supplemented with screening data from official bodies such as the Board of Directors, kennel clubs, but also genetic data from EMBARK, WISDOM, VHL, etcetera.

Availability Fit2Breed

After the rollout of the beta version in 2023 and many test rounds further, the full Fit2Breed module will be available to all breeders who are affiliated with a breed club as of February 1, 2024. Any breeder or owner can request access to the module free of charge via the manual below. The condition is membership of a Kooiker association, which can be the VHNK but also one of the affiliated 11 sister associations that have made the collection of data possible as a solid basis.

Below are some links that are useful for using Fit2Breed:

  • Webinar Fit2Breed project
    For more substantive information about the Fit2Breed project, watch this recording.
  • Account request Fit2Breed module
    Complete to create an account to participate in Fit2Breed. Membership will be checked and you will then be given access details. Activation may therefore take some time. Because the VHNK and sister associations make Fit2Breed possible, there are no costs associated with an account.
  • Request DNA testing Kooikerhondje
    You can have your Kooikerhondje tested for von Willebrand’s disease, Hereditary Necrotizing Myelopathy and Polymyositis at the Veterinary Genetics Expertise Center. Here you can also indicate directly whether the results may be included in Fit2Breed.
  • Help during use
    Via the contact button it is possible to email directly to the Genetics Expertise Center. It is also possible to email for substantive questions to
    In addition, there is the possibility of scheduling a personal online meeting to go through any questions and uncertainties with a team member and review the programme together. Send an email to and we will schedule a date for an online meeting in consultation.
  • Feedback form
    Do you have feedback regarding use? We would like to hear this via the link. With your feedback you help to further improve Fit2Breed!
  • Request Embark profile UU
    If you would like to request genotyping of your dog via Embark, you can order a test kit through Utrecht University at a reduced rate.
  • Permission to use DNA results / SNP profile EMBARK
    This way it is possible to give permission for the use of DNA test results in Fit2Breed. You can also give permission to use any available EMBARK SNP profile of your dog in Fit2Breed.
  • COI values Fit2breed and EMBARK
    FAQ regarding COI values in Fit2breed and/or EMBARK
  • User guide
    Helpful when using Fit2breed: user guide and glossary of terms

Any questions following this page? Then take a look at the Frequently asked questions.