Frequently asked questions ZooEasy
Answer: Your password will be sent from the email address:
It sometimes happens that this e-mail is mistaken for spam by your e-mail program. Check if the email is in the Junk Email folder or any other spam folder. If not, please contact the ZooEasy Online administrator.
Answer: The step-by-step plan is as follows:
- Open your internet browser
- Surf to
- Open the E-mail with your login data to ZooEasy
- Enter your E-mail address as mentioned in this mail
- Copy the password from the E-mail
- Paste it into the password field on the login screen
- Click Terms and Conditions of Use, if you want to read them first. They will be shown in a popup window, where you can accept them by clicking the button I accept the Terms and Conditions of Use. Or just check the box I accept the Terms and Conditions of Use
- You may check the boxes Remember E-mail and Remember password if you don’t want to enter them every time you login.
- Click the button Login to ZooEasy and you will be logged in.
- Click the link Log out to logout
Answer: The password is assigned by ZooEasy and can’t be changed into your own password. A new password can be requested at all times and will directly be sent to you by email. Use copy/paste and check the ‘Remember password’ box when logging in.
Answer: It is easiest to search for a dog if you know the registration number or (part of) the pedigree name. Nicknames are not registered in the database. You can enter part of the pedigree name or registration number and use a wildcard * for the parts that are unknown. This will show all dogs with that specific part in their name or number.
Keep in mind that special characters in a name must be entered exactly like that. You can also choose to use a wildcard for this. However, in order to work, a wildcard has to be placed before or after the search value, not in the middle.
Answer: The inbreeding coefficient is a percentage that indicates the degree of inbreeding in an animal. This is determined and calculated on basis of the complete pedigree. Animals are ordered by date of birth. The extent to which a related animal influences the inbreeding coefficient depends on its generation level. The lower the percentage, the less inbreeding took place. ZooEasy is currently calculating over five generations.
Answer: Addresses are private information and can therefore not be published.
The e-mail addresses of stud dog owners who have their dog on the stud dog list, can be found there: stud dog list.
Answer: There are currently few photos available in the database. The pictures of dogs on the stud dog list are.
Please supply photos as JPEG (.jpg) files, stating the pedigree number of the dog. Maximum file size 150 Kb.
Only distinct photos showing the dogs profile and without disturbing elements (e.g. legs, living rooms, showresults) will be placed in the database, the ZooEasy team decides. Questions? Send an email: